Most women my age compare their relationships to their parent's. Usually NOT in a good way. My parents are no exception. Theirs is indeed a "generational" type of marriage. The communication really didn't happen... She did all the cleaning, cooking, washing, diaper changing, etc... etc... I actually believe, it's what helped all us sisters in my family to get such "hands on" husbands! I won't spend time listing all the negative ways that has manifested because if your parents were married in the 50' probably KNOW.
The thing that amazes me though, is how well it works for them!
I guess when you're married for 57 years you get a pretty good system! A couple years ago, my dad had a heart attack in the doctor's office while getting a checkup for some issues he was having with his heart. It resulted in him having major heart surgery. During his recovery, my Mom and he had such an interesting way of relating. They were indeed a TEAM. The amazing tenderness they have for each other showed in ways I had not seen ever before. It was like seeing the two of them in an entirely different light. There was this unspoken language. She took care of him, she was THERE for him.
My Momma has been "there" for my Daddy for a long time. My Dad left the "rat race" of Milwaukee and a "stable job" to move to the country and start a small grocery store in a little town. That didn't last long and money was always hard to come by. It wasn't until I was older that my dad landed a job as Ronald McDonald. Yes, I'm serious. That was when we actually knew what it was like to not worry about money. You can guess who he hired to be his assistant. Yes, my Momma was there for him and for us, for richer or for poorer! I asked her once why she followed him and was willing to give up everything. She told me that, she always loved the country too and was glad to get out of the city. It was that simple. He went, she followed and made the best of it. My Momma knows how to make the best of it! I often wonder how different our lives would have been if my Dad didn't become a "Hippy" and move to Amherst Junction. Would we have such an interesting family and such love for each other if we stayed in Milwaukee?? How different would it be?
Another thing I appreciated about my parents was that no matter how much they would argue or get on each others' nerves, they were LOYAL to each other. If anyone tried to take down my Mom or Dad the other would be there to defend. Only my Mom could say bad things about my Dad... and only my Dad could pick on my Mom! No. one. else. They taught that loyalty to us I think. I don't care HOW MUCH my siblings may drive me crazy... if you take down one of my sisters or my brother OR their kids... you take down ME and you better watch out!
We have ALWAYS said that we PRAY that Dad would go before Mom. We almost thought that would happen last year with Dad's heart surgery! We could not imagine what our Dad would do without her! Lately, with Mom's pain, my Dad has been the picture of Suzie Homemaker. Cooking, cleaning, back rubs for his bride, getting ice and checking on her in the middle of the night, doing the wash... My Momma was teasing him that he will make a great husband for someone when she passes on. Yup, they TEASE! My parents are funny!
I remember the laughter and the private jokes between them. The way that my Dad would reach over in our Volkswagen Van and squeeze my Mom's knee because she was SO ticklish there. "FRANK! Cut it out!!!" I remember their pet names for each other "Darling", "Dearest Darling", "Darling Dearest" and "Darling Darling". Don't ask me how THAT got started. I think it had something to do with the TV show "Hart to Hart".... My Mom would say my Dad looked like Robert Mitchum. I KNOW my Daddy realized he landed himself a KNOCKOUT! My Momma is a HOTTIE hands down.
The way my Momma is with my Daddy taught me to love wholly and NO. MATTER. WHAT.
I'm very thankful for that. Because it's worth it in the end.
I will always remember my Momma with my Daddy and smile.
They are a couple that are loved and respected by many.

Thanksgiving is usually a time of food and family and laughter and thankfulness. Our family's Thanksgiving is no exception. My parents are the picture of hospitality, so pretty much every Thanksgiving was blessed with extra guests. My Dad's old weight lifting buddy from Milwaukee, who moved to this area as well, would join us with his lovely family. The Grandchildren as they grew older would bring their various dates or friends from high school who perhaps they thought could really use a dose of our family. There would be relatives from the other sides of the family that would join us as well.
My Momma may not have always had matching chairs, plates, glasses or silverware... but she ALWAYS had room.
I remember being young and all the preparation. The house would smell like bleach and pine-sol the week before. The excitement of company coming over! Then the smell of delicious pies and heavenly food. I LOVED the leftover pudding from the pies. My Momma makes the best pie crust! Oh man I'm hungry!! I think my very favorite memory is how she would make the turkey dance! This HUGE turkey, she would grab him by the wings and make him do a little dance on the cutting board for me. (I made her do it last year!) We would pull out the "good" silverware, back when there weren't over 30 of us! I remember it was my job to get out the old fancy box and wipe off each piece and set the table. I'm the baby of five... I got the easy jobs. To this day my Mom makes me bring... "milk" to the dinner! That's going to change, we're having it at my sisters' this year. Oh well at least I "milked" it into my forties! Pun intended.
The smells of Thanksgiving always take me back to being young, and fortunately, always bring me back to wonderful memories. It was my Momma who set the tone for our Holidays. Thanksgiving was no exception. She did it right! She loves to cook and she loves to laugh and she loves to have family and friends close by. My Mom is a night-owl and so are all five of us kids I believe... We always would stay up late into the evening and play games and talk and laugh. A night to put aside all the chaos that happens in big families. We had PLENTY of chaos in ours! But we had plenty of Love too. My Momma always served that up in plentiful helpings!

It was a Friday night when I received the phone call from my Daddy. I had lots of plans for the weekend. I was going to meet a Facebook friend in person all the way from California and she was to spend the night at our house. Two of my girlfriends were also coming over to meet her and do some sushi and hot tubbing. We had plans to have two couples come for dinner on Saturday and watch the new Madea movie. It was a weekend to look forward to!!
You never realize how much your life can change in an instant.
"Chrissy, we're back from the doctor... it's not good news." My Dad could barely get out the information. They had been in Appleton all day having tests done and waiting for results. "The doctor told her it's cancer." At that moment, I honestly wanted to ask if he was joking! I restrained myself from bursting out with the question. Dad gave me what details he could. Indeed it was NOT good news. I asked him if I could call anyone else and he told me to go ahead and call some of my siblings that did not know yet.
I have always had this weird thing where I just don't know how to react to bad news. It's like it has to sink in on it's own time. Right away selfish or bizarre thoughts will flood into my head which only makes me more confused and frustrated. I wished I knew more or could have talked to my Momma. I didn't feel like I should ask to talk with her since Daddy was the one who called me. My sister, Doreen, lives in Appleton and she knew more of the information but I couldn't get a hold of her. I shared the terrible news with Frank and Holly. Holly said later that she couldn't cry because she didn't know how to feel. It was nice to be able to tell her I knew exactly how she felt and it was OKAY.
After an hour or so when I was finally able to cry, it wouldn't stop. I didn't know how I was going to have company in the midst of this chaos. I had a lot more to do to prepare for my guests coming that evening. I couldn't even think. I felt so helpless. I just wanted MY MOMMA! I decided that I was just going to drive over and see her! I didn't want to call and ask if it was okay, I just went.
I HAD to see her.
It was about 6:30pm when I got there and the house was completely dark. My Dad is notorious for going to bed very early and I figured my Momma was probably sleeping as well after such an exhausting day. I tried the door and it was locked. I turned away and just started sobbing. I felt as though I had lost her right then and there. I got back in my car and was going to drive home once I had composed myself. Something whispered in my ear... "call her".
So I did.
My Momma answered the phone right away and sounded like her normal self. "Momma, I'm outside your house, can I come in??" I said through tears. "Of course Chrissy, I'll be right there." She unlocked the door and then realized that the screen door was also locked. "I think your Daddy doesn't want me to escape," she said with a giggle.
THAT, was my Momma. Not this image I had in my head all evening but the person who will always be my Momma no matter what happens. I hugged her and sobbed. Then we sat at the table and I kissed her hands and cried tears on her and we talked.
We talked about it all. I so appreciate that my family is the kind that WILL talk about the "elephant in the room". We will talk about it, joke about it and sometimes we'll even kick it!
She told me that she had been is so much pain recently that she finally told Jesus, "I'm ready to go Lord!".
She looked at me and said, "I guess He took me at my word." I asked her that if there was any way possible, if she would watch over Noah after she moves on.
"Oh you better believe it!" She said.
What I will remember about my Momma is how she was always approachable when we were hurting, no matter what. She always put us first. If we were heartbroken, SHE was heartbroken and would do whatever she could to take it away. That night was no exception. I felt so selfish breaking down on her like that after the horrible news she just received. She reassured me that it was okay. She said my sister Maxeen was just there and did the same thing and felt the same way! I had to laugh. My Momma would always be strong for her kids.
My sister Eileen came over to visit too! More giggles, more good times, more Love. I left that night with a little more hope in my heart. I was able to have a nice time with my friends that evening and throughout the weekend plans.
I want to be strong like my Momma. I want to be strong for my kids, and I want to be strong for my parents too!
I'm so very glad that being strong does not mean that you can't cry in front of people that you love. People who, when they are gone, you will miss with every fiber of your being.

One day my Mom and I took a ride to Wisconsin Dells to watch my husband's band play. (I remember my Momma wasn't afraid to party with us! hehe!) She and I were talking about how nice it would be to hear your eulogy BEFORE you passed. Just like it would be nice to receive all those BEAUTIFUL flowers before as well. We both don't get why all these amazing arrangements sit at the funeral parlor and then go to some church afterward. My goodness, how nice it would be to have those scents and beauty in your home to remind you that someone loves you while you are STILL HERE! But I digress...
So I gave my mom her "eulogy" and told her many of the things I love about her so.
I did not write them down. That's what I'd like to do now. So that one day I can look back and never forget how very blessed I was and so that my daughter will know that I don't feel I could ever be as good a Mother as mine was to me.
I will try though.
The title of this blog comes from a play/movie of a similar name. "I Remember Mama". I saw the movie version of this in my early 20's and it RUINED me. I pretty much cried through the whole entire thing! So many similarities to my own Momma, (pronounced the same as Mama, but this is how she always spelled it in notes and such). From, making us feel secure when we didn't know where the next pay check would come from to taking care of injured pets or nursing us better than any hospital could ever do. This was MY Momma.
It's a story about a family who comes from Norway to America to try to give their children a hopeful future. There are three children and the oldest, "Katrin", is very dramatic and imaginative. I can relate to this... The story is told by way of Katrin telling her memoirs of her Mother while trying to become an author. It's a beautiful story, if you have not seen it, I highly recommend it. Watch it with your Mom if she's still here!
This weekend we FINALLY found out what has been troubling my Momma after months of pain in her back and numerous doctor, chiropractor and physical therapy visits. She was diagnosed with liver cancer and they suspect bone cancer as well. Not sure if I'm supposed to capitalize those, but I sure as hell am not going to. The doctor told her she has about 8-9 months and recommended not getting treatment so as to enjoy the time she has.
So now our family is going to have another adventure under our belt called, "Life". To say goodbye to someone who could not BE more loving and more loved. How on earth are we EVER going to do that?